Germany on top, France close behind

Germany on top, France close behind

Germany won the Barrière Nations Cup at the close of a superb event. Among the firm favourites to win the Olympie title in a few weeks, the Marmschaft edged out a very tale11ted French team by just a single point. Saturday’s programme will be jam-packed with the traditional Derby Région Pays de la Loire, the Prix Saur, the final qualifier for Sunday’s Rolex Grand Prix Ville de La Baule and cu minating in the ‘Étoiles du Complet’, 1eaturing the French eventing champions.

The Nations’ Gup Barrière again worked magic at the François André stadium in  La  Baule.  The winning nation was not decided until the ver; end of the event. When Philipp Weishaupt,  the  last German rider, took to the track with Zineday, the tension in the stands peaked. Just before him, Roger­ Yves Bost and Delph de Denat HIDC’s clear round kept alive any French hopes of winning for tile first time since 2017. On the Grégory IBodoa designed course, Weishaupt had the fate of his team in ilis hands: a clear round gave victory to G1ermany,ideally positioned by Kendra Claricia Brinkop (Tabasco de Toxandria Z), Marcus Ehning (Goolio 42) and Andre Thieme  (DSP Cllakaria), while a siin gle fault  was enough to defy the French.

The German, who was aiready impeccable in the fiir st hea1, put  in another  excellent  performance  to lead his team to victory for the seventh time in La Baule, but fo r the  fiir st time  since 2007. ”I’m very proud to win after so many years,” says team leader Otto Becker. “I was on the team at the time! Fir:st and foremost, l’d like to thank the organisers because this is a tremendous competition .at eve.ry .l evel, with perfect conditions  for  the horses,  riders, and gre.a t spectators.  This  victory is  the upside of my work. Now we must choose the couples for the Olympie Games, which will be difficult because I have many excellent riders and hor:ses. But that’s the job!”

The performance of his four pairs today may make his choice  more  challenging.  Weishaupt,  for example, showed his composure with a decisive double clear round. “lt’.s the most exciting part of the Nations Cup when you’re the fast  to go, and you knowyou  have to get a  clear  round,’  he says.  Riding a horse like Zineday is a great pteasure .a nd a fantastic  oppottunity.  l’d also like  to mention  the crowd at La Baule and their incredible fair play. They were very respectful when I entered the arena when I could  h.a ve  deprived   France   of  victory.  And  .a fter   my  lap,  they  applauded   toudly.   O.utstanding sportsmanship isn ‘t necessarity the norm everywhere. Here, a!J the riders feel very welcome. Thank yo.u for that. lt reinforces my choice to be here. I chose to compete in the Nations Cup, which I wanted to  do  before  the  Olympie  Garnes.  For  me,  it  was  an  obvious  decision  to  come  to  La  B.a ute. The competition gets better .a nd better every year. ”

Marcus Ehning, also on the team in 2007, doesn’t hide his satisfaction with Coolio 42 (4+0). “lt’s always  a  pleasure  to  came  here  to  La  Baule,”  he  explains.  lt’s  been  a  .l ong  time  since  .l’ve  won anything.  Coolio  is  a  new  horse;  this  was  his  first  Nations  Cup,  and Ws  ve.ry  encouraging  for  the future.” 2021 European champion with DSP Chakaria, Andre Thieme, also did himself proud (0+4 ). “My mare wasn’t very competitive .fast ye.a r;  and I didn’t qualify for  the    Championships.  l’m delighted to be back at this level. She’.s getting stronger every weekLastl½ Kendra  Clairica  Brinkop,  who has been soaring up the world rankings for the past several months and has produced excellent perlormances , including a double clear round fast week  in the Nations  Cup .at  the CSIO 5”  in Home, also won by Germany, confirmed her rise in form with her 9-year:-old Tabasco de Toxandria Z (4+0).. “The last few months have indeed been very positive,ll she says.. “But when you have riders like that by yo.ur side, you want to be .at   the top of yo.ur game.”

The French happy to finish runners-up!

“Wow! What a dream venue, what a dream crowd, what magic!” Olivier Robert’s  reaction  after  he scored a do1Jble clear round with lglesias D.V. illustrates the sentiment of  the French team perfectly, who finisiled second, ji1Js t one point behind Giermany. “Over and above the  result,  l’m truly pleased with how the riders rode, and the horses jumped,”rejoices team manager  Hlenk  Nooren.  “We’ve  had two disappointing Nations Cups this year, with sub-par performances. Today, we saw seven excellent rounds. Bosty had a poor first round but made a fantastic recovery in the second. This event gives me much information to put in my ‘basket’. Like the other team leaders, we’II have to make some difficult choices  for  the Olympie Games. François-Xavier  Boudant,  another do1Jbl  e clear  rider  with  Brazil  du Mezel, was competing in his first Nations Cup at  La Saillie.  “My horse hadn’t jumped obstacles like this for a long time and did really well”.

Simon Delestre’s joy was shared by I Amel1.1sina R 51 (5+4): “The horse is very sensitive and respectful. $ince the start of the season, he has often placed and has performed superbly. ”

Last to start, Roger-Yves Bost was able to react after a complicated line in the first  round, including a  fault on the river (10 points ii11 total  ). “I knew a clear rou11d  would pressure Germany, and we could win. 1 d i dn’ t do too well in the first round and wanted to get it rigilt in the second. Belgium joined Germany and France on the podium. ln the lead after the first rollln d despite the elimination of Kent Farri11g ton (two refu sais at the entrance to the double), the United States then  dropped  back  to  sixth  place, behind Switzerland (4th) and Austria (5th, with a double clear round from Max Küiilner).

Earlier  in  the  day, in  the  other CSII  5 *  event  on  Friday’s programme,  Swede11’s  An gelica  Augu1sson Zanotelli puit on a silow with her Selle Français mare Dyll’ka du Carry to win the Prix Captain Jet (1.45m, fme event). With a lead of 1m42s, she beat IBe lgium ‘s O livie r Philippaerts on Kwik Tweet and Spain’s Eduardo Alvarez Aznar on Made int’ Ruytershof. With Flashing de Rivetiand, Marie [)emon1e was the best French rider, in 5th place.

ln the CSII  1 *  eve   nts, B, elg  i u  m’s Jordy van Massenhove  on Ko11i ta HX won the• Prix Datanaute (1.30m) and  Franc, e’s    Anthony  Boughara  Duplaix  on  Athika  d, es   Roches,  the  Pli x Hecta res  &  Patrimo ines (1.15m).

A complete and spectacular, programme for Saturday

On Saturday, the  La IBaule spectators  will be treated to ·the traditiona l  [)erby Région Pays de la Loire on a new course designed by Grégory IBodo. The Prix Saur, the second richest individual event of the competition,  will also offer the last qu1al  i fying places for Su1n  d  a  y’s Rolex Grand Prix Ville de La IBaule. The  day  will conclude  with  ‘Les étoiles du  Com, pl et’ ,  a  demonstration  event  contested  by  the  riders who  have  won  medals   for  France  at  the  most  prestigious   events.  Nicolas  Touzaint,   Astier Nicolas, Karim Laghouag, Maxime LM o, Jean-Lou Bigot and Stéphane Landois wHI co mpete 011 a d erby-style course. 11· s a supe,rb op po rtunity for champions to share the same passion and ta do a good deed. Platinum Sellier is organising a lottery open to all to coincide  with  this  unique  event.  Participants  will have the chance to win a magniflce11t My Sbox competition truin k. More than half  of the proceeds  fro m the lottery  will  be do11ated  ta  the HIOPE association,  which supports women during and after cancer by sharing horse therapy sessions.


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